Paul Corkum

Paul Corkum

Dr. Corkum is a fellow of the Royal Societies of London and a foreign member of the US National Academy of Sciences. In 2022, he shared the Wolf Prize with l’Huillier and Krausz while in 2016, he shared the Russian Academy of Sciences highest scientific honour, the Lomonosov Grand Gold Medal, with L.V. Keldysh. 

Two and a half decades ago, Corkum explained the origin of the high harmonic radiation that had been discovered in France. Recently high harmonics have been produced in transparent solids. The same basic processes of free carrier release, electron-hole motion and re-collision followed by recombination apply in solids as they did in gases.

Email Address: pcorkum [at] uOttawa [dot] ca
Phone Number: (613) 562-5800 ext. 6550
Office: ARC 464

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