Dr. Berini is a Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Physics, a University Research Chair in Surface Plasmon Photonics, and Director of the uOttawa Nanofab. He was the Founder and Chief Technology Officer of a venture capital financed company and he collaborates on an ongoing basis with industry.
Dr. Berini has received an NSERC Steacie Fellowship, an NSERC Discovery Accelerator, a Premier of Ontario Research Excellence Award, the University of Ottawa Researcher of the Year Award, an URSI Young Scientist Award, and a George Glinski Award for Excellence in Research.
Dr. Berini is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the OSA, a Fellow of the APS, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Website: https://berinigroup.ca/
Email Address: pberini [at] uottawa [dot] ca
Phone Number: 613-562-5800 ext. 6316
Office: ARC 350A