September 2022 marked the return of the in-person Annual JCEP Progress Meeting, which was being held for the first time in three years. The meeting included reports and project updates form each pair of PIs in the joint centre, with topics such as UV frequency combs (Corkum & Gertsvolf), high-sensitivity detection of terahertz radiation (Gamouras & Ménard), four-wave mixing in optical fibers (Lundeen & Sussman), free-space high-dimensional QKD over the city of Ottawa (Heshami & Karimi), ultrafast electronic coherences in molecules (Staudte & Stolow), and high harmonic generations at the nanoscale (Ramunno & Vampa). Once the updates were given, the event concluded with a poster session allowing students, postdocs, and PIs alike to delve into the details of individual projects.
Annual Progress meeting 2022